

Lir Ilir - A beautiful Javanese classic song to relax and relieve stress

Lir Ilir is a classical Javanese song, usually sung to relax in the traditional communities of Java, Indonesia, especially in Central Java and East Java. The song was also popular on the radio in the golden age. Although Java has entered the digital era, traditional songs or folk songs are still loved by the Java community, especially by senior citizens. This song is usually accompanied by Siter or Kecapi, stringed instruments (harp), or Guzheng (in Mandarin). However, often accompanied by other musical instruments or Javanese Gamelan orchestra. Siter, a Javanese Harp. Image: If you're sightseeing in the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, you might come across a street buskers who sing Lir Ilir, or other Javanese classic songs. Looks like this song is perfect for relaxing, releasing stress in the midst of a big city. You can divide the video of this song for a friend or family who are troubled, sad, or under stress. Let's watch this video,

Amazing video: Balinese kids playing Gender

Outstanding performances. Balinese kids playing Gender, Balinese classic music instruments at Pesta Kesenian Bali (PKB), Bali Arts Festival, 2014. Gender (gÉ™ndÉ›r) is a metal percussion instruments (metallophone), which became part of the Balinese and Javanese gamelan. This tool has a 10 to 14 bar metal (brass) pitched hanging on beam, above resonator of bamboo or zinc, and tapped shaped roundabout bladed paddle of wood (Bali) or wood upholstered (Java).  Gender at Bali Arts Festival. Image: The tone was different, depending on the scale used. In Javanese gamelan is complete, there are three gender: slendro, pelog pathet nem and five, and pelog pathet goods.  Gender is usually played when there Wayang Kulit (shadow puppet). Gender is also shown in Hindu ritual activities. They will play this gender with a song called "Kekawin" or Kidung, from the classical era or ancient Bali. To preserve the arts Gender, Government of Bali in recent years

Beautiful Balinese gamelan. A Balinese traditional music

Bali has many traditional art and unique cultures. You can enjoy a great holiday or adventure in Bali. One of the musical art that can be found in Bali is "Gender" or Gamelan that you can watch the puppet show or in a traditional Hindu ceremony on the island of the Gods. Gamelan "Gender" Bali. Image:  In the video below, you will hear and see the beauty of Balinese gamelan instruments, namely Gender , which is usually played by two players or four. They usually accompany a traditional Balinese puppeteer or Dalang (Wayang) or a singer. On this occasion, we present them in a format instrumental performances. Gender or gamelan performances that you see in this video recorded at a ceremony in a Hindu temple, Pura Amarta Jati, South Jakarta, Indonesia; where the Balinese people living in Jakarta and surrounding areas. As a society that loves art and culture, they will bring as well as art, tradition and culture them anywhere, even you will

Barongsai, fantastic Lion Dance performances in Jakarta, Indonesia

Chinese New Year celebration is a good time to watch the traditional Chinese dances like Barongsai or Lion Dance. Barongsai is a traditional dance by using gloves that resemble lions. Barongsai has a history of thousands of years.  Based on the traditional belief of Chinese society, the lion is a symbol of courage, stability, and excellence. Traditional dance costume resembling lions also referred to as lion dance.   Barongsai perforemances in Jakarta. Image: Barongsai dance became popular in the South-North Dynasty, during the Nan Bei Dynasty era, circa 420-589 AD. At that time the army of the king of Song Wen Di overwhelmed by the assault troops of the elephant king Fan Yang Lin Yi country. A warlord named Zhong Que create derivative stuffed lion king Fan troops to repel it. It turns out that successful efforts to end the legendary lion dance until now. That said, the lion dance performed to drive away evil spirits. Monsters, ghosts, demons like

Poda, beautiful Batak song. A meaningful message from father to son

As well as Bali, Java or Minangkabau, which has a tradition of a unique and wonderful art of Indonesian cultural diversity, which is so rich with sculpture, dance, and music, then you will find the art of singing in various regions of Indonesia.  Similarly, indigenous peoples Batak, which is located in North Sumatra. They have a very strong tradition, for example in customs related to family, marriage, relationships between villages, social order, inheritance, and of course in the field of culture such as dance Batak and songs from Batak, which will make you amazed. Beautiful Toba Lake, Sumatera. Image: Batak songs are generally well suited to be displayed at a family party, or wedding parties and other traditional events. They are very good at creating beautiful lyrics, entertaining, but there is always a certain meaning, for example, advice from parents to their children.  There is a famous Batak song, titled Poda. This song is about a father

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